Lots of people think I am crazy for starting an offshore recruiting agency

“It’s just a trend”

“So many people are doing it”

The reality is: I believe in it.

Here’s how my leap of faith transformed my business and why it might just be the game-changer you need too:

Mid-2022: Stagnation hit us hard in my property management company. $60,000 in recurring payroll, $4,500/month for our digital marketing agency, and growth had plateaued.

We were stuck in a rut with flat growth, general execution issues, and frustrated clients – the classic business owner’s dilemma.

The first domino to fall:

Dissatisfied with our overpriced, underperforming digital marketing agency, I ventured into hiring offshore talent.

The aim? To find a marketing manager who could revitalize our strategies.

The journey was challenging – sifting through nearly a thousand applications, conducting dozens of interviews, and navigating cultural differences. But the effort paid off.

Meet Ahmed, the Game-Changer.

Ahmed, from Pakistan, wasn’t just an employee; he was a catalyst for transformation.

In two months, under his guidance, our Customer Acquisition Cost dropped by 40%, and our marketing systems were optimized beyond expectations.

More than cost-saving, it was about unlocking potential.

Soon, I was all-in on offshore hiring.

Fast forward to today: Our team now includes fifteen exceptional Pakistani members.

This journey wasn’t just about impressive numbers, like the $15,000 monthly reduction in salary expenses.

It was about a significant shift in our company culture – improved efficiency, enhanced client satisfaction, and a team driven by innovation.

The success led us to partner with Ahmed in a new venture:

A digital marketing agency for property managers, a niche desperately needing attention. (Lead Flow Depot is the name of the business for anyone interested)

In just 60 days, we’ve experienced phenomenal growth. Our team, composed of entirely offshore talent, from cold callers to web developers, has exceeded even my highest expectations.

We’re profitable, with all seed capital recouped and growing rapidly…in 60 days!

Then, peers started inquiring about our offshore team.

“Where do you find these people?” “How much do you pay them?” “They outperform the Filipino VAs I’ve worked with—how do you hire them?”

One such admirer was @ChrisMunn.

Impressed with his hire, he joined us to launch Pavago, which specializes in Pakistani-centric offshore recruiting for admin/operations, marketing, and sales roles.

Choosing Pakistan was a strategic decision, influenced by their work ethic, educational quality, and English proficiency.

Our experience with Pakistani professionals has been overwhelmingly positive – they’re not just skilled but also dedicated and humble.

Clients like @NikFuller and @AustinLinney have praised our approach.

My takeaway: It’s not just about cutting costs. It’s about finding the right people who think, create, and innovate. That’s our secret to success.

As @MatznerJon says, talent is less crucial than systems, but I believe that’s true only to a certain extent.

Unlike typical recruiters, we dedicate significant time and effort to developing systems for our clients’ offshore hires.

However, no matter how robust your systems are, without talent that can develop and improve them, think critically, and genuinely impact your business, the systems are futile.

Whether you choose us, or any other method of finding offshore, done right will be a game changer.

Having this on your radar is crucial—it’s a competitive advantage that’s becoming par for the course.



Content Marketer


Uzma is a content marketer at Pavago having 5 years of experience in content marketing She enjoys crafting content that helps small businesses understand the ins and outs of hiring remote talent. When she's not writing, you’ll find her diving into research or brainstorming new ways to make complex topics easy to grasp.